Augusta County, VA Henley Gabeau’s career began as a competitive runner in the ‘70’s when women’s running was scoffed at. As a founder and charter member of a women’s running club, the Washington RunHers, she had a penchant for administration and a talent for advocacy. Many years of volunteering led to major roles with the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). She was elected first woman
President of the RRCA in 1986 and later served as its first Executive
Director from 1990 - 2001. During that time a national office was established and the RRCA grew from 375 clubs to more than 700. With the RRCA being a small but national non-profit organization, Gabeau juggled fundraising and finding sponsors, PR, volunteer oversight, budget planning, and staff development among her other duties.
In 2002, after stepping down as Executive Director, she moved to Augusta County in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, and is deeply involved in the slower pace of country life. She volunteers in the local Ruritan Club, markets its local horse show, works on conservation issues as a board member of the Valley Conservation Council, is a Deacon in her church, and volunteers as an EMT on two rescue squads. She still keeps her foot in the running industry as Assistant Director of the ACLI Capital Challenge. Gabeau relaxes by showing her Saddlebred horse (a new pastime), riding her retired U.S. Park Police horse for pleasure, runs/walks 35 miles a week, and cares for her three dogs and cat.